Many of our grade levels have both a BLACK and a GREEN team. Teams are selected by age, size, skill and ability at this point in time. RI Bulldogs Black teams play in the highest level of tournament play both locally and throughout the country. RI Bulldogs Green teams play in a top competitive regional tournament play. The goal of lacrosse teams is development, competitive play and for fun and love of the sport of lacrosse.

Spring Season
- For youth players it is highly encouraged that they play both the Spring and Summer RI Bulldogs programs. The team works together building team unity and skills that they carry into the Summer tournament season as an experienced unit.
- Our Spring program is for youth players only, high school players will participate in their High School season
- Youth players will practice beginning in January on Sunday evenings. Around late March we move to twice a week practices - Sundays and one weeknight.
- During the spring season the youth teams play in a league with other club programs on Saturday late afternoons in the RI, MA, NY area. Games are played April-May concluding with a championship at the end of the season.
Grades 2-4 Includes:
- Sunday Practices beginning after Feb break
- Two practices per week March - May
- 4 Spring games (April - May)
- CreasePro App & Training
Grades 5-8 Includes:
- Sunday Practices beginning after Feb break
- Two practices per week March - May
- 4 Spring games (April - May)
- CreasePro App & Training

- Our summer program is for youth and high school players. Our season kicks off in the middle of June and we practice two nights a week (historically at Bryant University). Boys participate in 4 summer tournaments consisting of three local and one travel tournament. Some of our black teams may participate in additional travel tournaments.
- We host a Summer Kick Off Skills/Recruiting Day in June
- Summer tournaments and dates are announced in the spring.
- Summer practices are Tuesdays & Thursdays at Bryant University June-July
Grades 2-4 Includes:
- Two team practices per week
- One mid week positional skills session
- 4 Tournaments
- CreasePro App & Training
Grades 5-8 Include:
- Two team practices per week
- One mid week positional skills session
- 4 Tournaments
- CreasePro App & Training
High School Includes:
- 4 Tournaments
- 2 Team Practices per week
- One mid week positional Clinic
- Uniform
- IMLCA Recruits Profile
- Tournament Film