Fall 2023 Update

Hi RI Bulldogs,
We have received emails that many are not receiving messages, emails and LeagueApps updates. We utilize LeagueApps platform and app for communication and scheduling. If you are not on LeagueApps please let us know so we can get you situated!  If you are on LeagueApps and want to add additional parents/guardians to your account to receive emails please see these HOW TO articles:
All Fall scheduling is located on your LeagueApps for your child’s team. An update is required for your app to get the up-to-date scheduling. Please update/force stop and restart the app to ensure you have a fresh session of the app open.  Please continue to RSVP in the app to all events – practices and tournaments.  This allows the coaches to practice plan and know who will be attending the events.  There is also a Team Chat which coaches and staff will push out information through.
For the upcoming tournaments please download the app TourneyMachine and find your tournament to see the schedule.  Tournament organizers use this app to do their scheduling so you will need this app.  Schedules are finalized by Wednesday the week of the tournament.  DRAFT schedules appear in the app but are subject to change until we are notified and in turn notify you that it’s FINALIZED.
Here are our open registrations for the winter sessions for anyone interested.  These are open to all Bulldogs and non Bulldogs players so invite your friends to join us over the winter!

50% off code for RI Bulldogs players ONLY: 23WCB1

SEPARATE WINTER OPTION: Box Select Travel teams. Tryouts have concluded but if you are still looking to participate, contact moc.s1741888331godll1741888331ubir@1741888331ydoc1741888331.  Info on this additional travel/competitive team can be found here: https://ribulldogs.com/boxtryouts2023/ including practice dates and tournaments the teams will participate in.  If you attended tryouts this past weekend messages will be sent out next

Best of luck to the Bulldogs in their upcoming tournaments!  If you post on social media please tag us so we can repost!